Sabine Sabine, the youngest of the Lakewood Vineyards’ canines, lives with Teresa and Randy Knapp. As an almost two year old Boxer, she loves to play with Fizzy and Harper, even more than they would like. She knows all of the cracker crumb hiding spots and will sit for photos if given the right motivation.…
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Fizzy Fizzy is assistant winemaker Ben’s five-year-old Australian Shepherd. Her name captures both her ebullient personality and her humans’ enthusiasm for sparkling wine. You can find her chasing tennis balls, catching frisbees, and delighting guests with her acrobatic antics in the winery lawn. A true farm dog, she loves nothing more than a long walk…
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Cake Pan Self-appointed chief of the vineyard lawn clean up crew, Cake Pan tirelessly picks up stray cheese curds, wayward crackers and snacks. After being expelled from obedience school, he continues to only listen to the voice within, telling him to share his fluffy friendliness with everyone. His best friends are Quinn and Fizzy and Harper…
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Harper Harper, Kaye and Mike Stamp’s 9-year-old yellow lab, takes her job as a greeter very seriously, expecting each visitor to offer at least a few pats and a rub or two. When this sweet and gentle girl isn’t waiting by the door to welcome visitors, she’s probably helping Kaye pack cases of wine in the…
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